Business News

Apple acquires Dark Sky to provide comprehensive weather forecasts

Apple acquires Dark Sky to provide comprehensive weather forecasts

Apple, an American multinational technology company, has reportedly acquired Dark Sky, a company that specializes in weather forecasting & visualization.

Dark Sky adopts state-of-the-art-technology to deliver rain and snow forecasts. It has received Editor’s Choice awards from Apple as well as been praised for efficient design and alerts for incoming rain. In a statement announcing the acquisition deal with Apple, company representatives also stated that providing the best and comprehensive weather data to deliver accurate forecasts is its main goal. It further added that it can achieve this goal more significantly at Apple owing to its capability of revolutionizing personal technology. Through the platform, the company will be able serve and reach wide range of customers.

Apple is also reportedly planning to remove the Dark Sky app from Android store, effectively shutting down the Wear OS and Android versions. Android users with existing Dark Sky subscriptions will be given a refund once the app stops operating on the platform. Android subscribers can still get access to the app till July 1st. Apple has apparently received considerable backlash from customers regarding this decision, with several Android users raising complaints.

Apart from these changes, Apple is also shutting down Dark Sky’s API, the software that transmits information between the users and the app, by 2021 end. Therefore, the weather forecasting company is no longer accepting new signups on its API service that enables other apps to get access to its weather data, although it will remain operational till the end of 2021. All the weather apps, including Hello Weather and Weather Line, that rely on the company’s data, might eventually have to look for other sources.

Apple, which confirmed the acquisition of Dark Sky, declined to respond on request for comment regarding details, including the sum involved in the acquisition.

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Pankaj Singh

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